Client Testimonials

Software Developer

While completing my final year of Computer Science degree, I found it difficult to take the knowledge I had acquired in university and apply it in a job effectively. Although I had the technical skills, I felt that my lack of business understanding and poor communication skills were obstacles. Therefore, I took the initiative to seek help from a mentor through ODL's Fundamentals Package. This package helped me identify my strengths and work on areas where improvement was needed.

With the help of this training, I gained confidence, which enabled me to secure multiple job interviews and successfully land a great role. Furthermore, with my newfound confidence, communicating with colleagues became much easier.

 I highly recommend engaging with ODL. The knowledge that I received and the insight I gained were invaluable.

– Adam, C

Account Executive

“I was fortunate enough to go through an official ODL leadership assessment. I found it invaluable to receive objective feedback based on their assessment software and, specifically, welcomed the chance to understand my emotional intelligence and behavioural patterns. More importantly, I learned more about how fellow professionals often go through their decision-making process. After the assessment, the ODL team reviewed my personal results. It helped dissect how different professionals fall into the following behavioural buckets: Dominance, Intelligence, Steadiness and Compliance – and how these buckets drive behaviour and decision-making.

By understanding these quadrants, I can align my style and approach to best service my customers, depending on where they fall in the spectrum.  This knowledge and the active listening techniques that ODL helped me harness have unquestionably impacted my ability to problem solve and communicate with prospects and clients of all shapes and sizes.  By solving challenges, I am more equipped to offer value and effectively communicate throughout every stage of the sales cycle. 

I would recommend ODL and the team to anyone interested in understanding  effective communication, buyer personas, and emotional intelligence.”

– Brandon, M

Vice President, Academic & Provost

“The ODL Fundamentals Package differed dramatically from other self-assessment tools I’ve engaged in over the years in the context of improving my workplace performance. The report generated from completing the questionnaire was as prodigious as it was uncannily accurate in reflecting back to me. I recognized in it my communication style, motivations and interpersonal strengths. The report provided me with invaluable insight into the communicative needs of others I work with whose motivations and strengths differ from mine.

It would have been an overwhelming amount of information to process on my own but for the unique feature of the ODL package.

I was given three separate hours of debriefing by a very skilled executive coach who walked me through the report's details and helped me apply what I learned to my unique workplace context. Understanding these differences enabled me to perceive my colleagues in new ways and observe my potential blind spots without judgment. As a result, I was much better able to utilize their unique talents and enhance (and enjoy) our collaborative endeavours. I would highly recommend this experience to other senior leaders and those who work in competitive team environments where self-understanding and insight into the needs of others is essential for growth.”

– Rachael, L